Jaw Pain

Jaw Pain
Jaw pain, also known as temporomandibular dysfunction (TMD), is commonly caused by pain or dysfunction in one or both joints of the jaw. These disorders are caused by muscular problems, especially the muscles involved in chewing, a problem with the fibrocartilage disc within the joint, and arthritis.

Symptoms & Causes of ​Jaw Pain
Some Jaw Pain / TMD symptoms are:
Ear pain
Jaw clicking
Jaw popping
Jaw locking
Reduced range of movement of the jaw
Jaw weakness
​The causes of jaw pain are:
Muscular problems (especially in the muscles involved in chewing)
Problems with the fibrocartilage disc within the joint

Treatment for ​Jaw Pain
Our physiotherapists at Fizo Kare Physiotherapy Centre will first thoroughly assess the condition and then customise a treatment plan to treat jaw pain according to the diagnosis.